As we unfurl the first leaf of our Green Pistachio chronicle, we are filled with immense pride and a sense of purpose. As the seeds of our inaugural newsletter take root, I am thrilled to share the blossoming story of our collective eco-adventure.

Our initiative sprang from more than just a love for our blue-green orb; it was nurtured by a dream to transform conscientious living into a joyful celebration where everyone who cares about the planet can come together as a community. Today, Green Pistachio stands as a vibrant canopy under which we can all gather to champion the cause of sustainability.

At Green Pistachio, we’re not about preaching sacrifice. Far from it! We’re about savouring the fullness of life with a gentle nudge towards mindfulness. Imagine a world where you can indulge in the things you adore, knowing that you’re treading lightly on the Earth. That’s the world we’re cultivating—one where eco- consciousness isn’t just a fleeting fancy but a way of life that endures through the seasons. We’re spinning sustainability with a positive twist, showing that you don’t have to relinquish what you love, want, or need. Instead, we’re inviting you to dance to a rhythm that harmonises with our planet’s heartbeat. 

Our articles aim to send a whispering wind of wisdom, reminding us that we can coexist in harmony with all species by simply being considerate of our impact. In a “nutshell” (pun intended), we’re nurturing a holistic ecosystem of change. It’s about embracing a comprehensive approach that weaves the thread of sustainability through the tapestry of our lives. We believe that every small action—every choice to support sustainable practices, every step towards a greener existence—is a leap towards a world where humans and nature thrive side by side. 

Thank you for joining us on this verdant voyage. Let’s embark on this path with light hearts and bright spirits, showing that a sustainable life is not just possible but absolutely delightful. Together, let’s crack open the joy of green living, one pistachio at a time, and get truly “nuts about sustainability” right to our core.”

With warmth and green cheer,

Welcome to Green Pistachio! Today, we’re thrilled to unveil the inaugural edition of our GP newsletter! And through it, our premier GP platform! Our excitement levels are off the charts as we watch our vision take its first concrete green-crete steps in our journey towards a sustainable future. And so, we’re shouting out its arrival from the rooftops, err… your device screens, for now!

The GP platform is a bridge that connects you, our eco-conscious consumers, to brands, companies and products that are focused on sustainability and responsible consumption. Through this platform, we wish to spread awareness, build communities and ignite conscious action towards minimal impact and treading lightly on our little planet, or better still, towards its renewal and nurturing of its ecosystem – every day, all the time, for generations to come. Through GP, we wish for ‘sustainability’ to be more than a viral trend or a buzzword; we wish for it to be a lifestyle, and a conscious one at that.

So, whether you’re out there already doing your bit, or are waiting for the final push to get off your couch and really ‘do’ something about sustainability, consider this your <personal invitation> from the Blue Planet to join the GP platform and make your mark!

You can use this platform to share your green ideas and initiatives, join like-minded conversations, contribute towards demographic shifts and evolving sustainability policies, stay attuned to industry trends and events, invite volunteers and action, or just learn about making the move to sustainable habits, products and processes. GP has something for everyone!

The GP platform has brought it all to your doorstep, err… fingertips. So what are you waiting for? Click to <subscribe> and take your first step towards sustainable change and a smarter future.

The Green Pistachio Team is made up of three pillars: drumroll, please… Avnee – the believer, talker and initiator; Alvito – the design strategist and architect; and Suraj – the ideator and marketeer. 

But enough noise. Let’s hear what each one has to say for themselves.


COMMUNICATION | Voice and action

Hello! I’m your textbook (yet atypical) introvert with an inherent love for the planet and an innate passion for the written word. I’d like to think about my adult life as equal parts of discovering the world through travel, adapting to it through the mundane and now, trying to change it through my work.

My professional journey has been a meandering one through hospitality, business and conservation. But my heart always lay in creating sustainable ecosystems with us at the core. And you know what they say- “Home is where the Heart is!” While the roots were always evident in my planet-friendly hobbies, 5 rescue pets and teaching my child the ABCs of sustainability, through Green Pistachio I have finally found my shoots – to spread the word out into the world and to take action towards positive impact – one article at a time.


DESIGN STRATEGY | Look and feel

Hey there! Humanly known as Ally, I’m your nutty professor all the way. Since I must conform to labels, I’m most happy being called a designer, musician and sustainability searcher cum advocate, all boxed into one, born at the confluence of Pune and Goa.

Ask anybody and they’ll refer to me as the ‘design guy’ who adds life to the abstract – be it web design, music, or chalky masterpieces with my four- and two-legged kids. I’m a true believer and advocate for conscious and mindful living.

I’ve recently discovered my love for strategy and everything sustainable and hope that my journey, although unique, is aware and appreciative of the natural world. Here’s to redesigning the world – one tiny nut at a time!


IDEATION | Research and Analysis

Hiya! As a chip off the ‘marketing and brand building’ block, I’m your quintessential digital marketing expert and thought leader, with award-worthy experience across brand strategy, market trend analysis, performance media and consumer behaviour.

When I’m not marketing, I’m an avid biker, foodie and dad. I find solace and inspiration on the open road, and through it, a way to connect with the environment and the community and to contribute to its betterment.

I truly believe that ‘to have a future we must protect the present’. And that the only way to do that is through sustainable living and by making sustainabl energy a standard that is accessible and practical for all. Here’s to a better world for all generations to come!

Turtle Sex

Our maiden pick for this feature is FabIndia – a well known Indian retailer of handcrafted goods, promoting traditional Indian textiles and handicrafts through sustainable, eco-friendly supply chains and eco-conscious manufacturing processes and practices that also empower local artisans.

Determined to bridge the gap between Indian craftsmanship and the global market, in 1960, John Bissell, a young American working for the Ford Foundation, founded a small Indian company, Fabindia.

Today, Fabindia is a leading Indian retailer of handcrafted goods, promoting traditional Indian textiles, handicrafts and empowering local artisans. Although designed as a profit-based business, Fabindia heavily integrates Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into its business model.

Our first edition of the GP Newsletter covers May, June and July – the most sustainability and green event heavy months – of this year! Some noteworthy ones include World Plastic Free Day, International Day for Biological Diversity, International Day of Yoga, World Environment Day, World Naked Gardening Day (Really!!), International LGBTQ+ Pride Day, and so many more. In all honesty, we ourselves hadn’t heard of some of these observances until we researched the National Day Calendar. But us being us, we didn’t stop at being awestruck. We shortlisted the ones we truly believe in and added others that just have that oomph about them or are sure to make a big bang. We then dug deep into each one, beefed them up with gripping info and a really cool sustainability twist, and compiled them for you on the GP blog, across Lifestyle, Fashion and Travel categories. And that’s what we call a productive quarter!

The problem with sustainability and all this talk around a smarter, greener tomorrow, is that, more often than not, it’s far removed from your own reality or is someone else’s problem or seems like too small a step to take. But how about some quick action? Right here. Right now.

GP believes that social diversity and inclusion are crucial for sustainability, but at different levels. If we’re serious about protecting our environment and our shared backyard, we’ve got to pay heed to the wisdom that comes from the diverse voices of indigenous people, local communities and different genders. Are we right or are we right?

And on that note, which is perfect for our first edition, International LGBTQ+ Pride Day is celebrated the world over on June 28th. While it originally commemorates the anniversary of the Stonewall riots in the USA, today, the month of June is celebrated as Pride Month across the globe, shining light on the LGBTQIA+ community, recognising their contributions, and raising awareness about the ongoing struggles for equality and acceptance

This Pride Month, popular dating app, Tinder, in collaboration with Gaysi Family, celebrated the third edition of Queer Made Weekend, a two-day festival celebrating, supporting and amplifying businesses and products made, owned and/or run by India’s LGBTQIA+ community in Mumbai and Delhi. This year, QMW was held at Jio World Drive in Mumbai and at the DLF Promenade in Delhi, with the aim to feature over 30 diverse LGBTQIA+-owned fashion, art, home decor and gourmet food businesses.

Tinder’s Queer Made Weekend has garnered attention and gained significant popularity since its first in-person edition in 2022, in Delhi. The raging success of the inaugural event galvanised into action the expansion of the festival to Mumbai, in 2023, with a total strength of 20,000+ attendees across both cities.

The QMD festival encourages entrepreneurs from the LGBTQIA+ community to do what they love and grow and nurture businesses like everybody else. This festival provides a platform for artists to showcase their work, discover new opportunities and reach new audiences.

You’ve got to be curious about QMW! Check out the deets here.

If you loved reading this quarter’s content on our website, don’t forget to subscribe, because we’re making a date with you next month, and the month after and the one after that as well! We have lots more fun, exciting and intriguing content coming up so stay tuned.

We look for that little green spark in everything so we had to find it at the Olympics as well, read all about what we thought about this edition of the Olympics events, coming up soon on the Green Pistachio website. And since we were so inspired by the Olympics, we’re also going higher, bigger and greener in the weeks to come! While we will focus considerable energy on Renewable Energy breakthroughs, there’s also some fun stuff expected for International Elephant Day, Cycle to Work Day and World Heart Day. And for all those “Green thumbs” out there, a special DIY project on Kitchen Gardening! And trust us when we say “That’s NOT All Folks!” 🙂

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