Hello, Green Pistachio readers! If you loved our dive into “Practical and Sustainable Ways to Energize Your Mental Wellness,” you’re in for a treat. One of our cherished readers has shared their journey back to nature, and it’s got us grinning ear to ear! Why? Because it’s proof positive that our community is not just reading but living the dream of a sustainable, joy-filled life. So, let’s get down to earth and explore why people in their thirties and forties, globally, are swapping city skylines for starlit nights.

You’ve probably noticed the trend—folks are packing up and heading for the hills, quite literally. The call of the wild is strong, and many are answering by choosing off-the-grid, minimalist lifestyles. While it may seem like the latest Instagram craze, this shift is rooted in something far deeper: our intrinsic need to connect with nature and, by extension, ourselves. There’s something about the gentle rustle of leaves or a garden blooming with life that can turn any day around. And let’s be real, a few hours under the open sky is pretty much a slice of heaven.

But, how do we city dwellers forge this precious bond amidst the concrete jungle? Here are some down-to-earth ways to touch base with what truly matters:

Appreciate Early Mornings

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” – Buddha

Nature’s alarm clock is the sweetest sound. Before the world stirs, nature is already putting on a show. Birds serenading, a soft breeze whispering through the trees, and a silence so profound it sings. Have you ever seen the ocean at peace or the breathtaking mountains basking in the morning glow? It’s a daily masterpiece that deepens our connection with the world and sets our minds right. So, rise and shine, and let nature be your muse.

 Walk Barefoot on Grass or Sand

“Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.” – John Muir

There’s a reason why walking barefoot on the earth feels so darn good. As you tread lightly on the grass or sand, let the earth’s energy seep into your soles. Leave the headphones at home and embrace the silence. This simple act, known as grounding or earthing, is like nature’s therapy, easing inflammation, boosting blood flow, and melting away anxiety. And for those without a beach, a foot soak in warm, salty water can work wonders after a long day.

Grow Plants in Land

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin

While houseplants are great, there’s something special about getting your hands dirty with actual soil. Whether it’s a tiny plot or a sprawling garden, the act of nurturing plants from the earth is soul food. This is because the earth is rich and this abundance flows to us from its vastness and generosity. It’s a connection that’s tangible, rewarding, and, let’s face it, a bit of a workout too!

Visit Nature Sanctuaries

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir

Did you know that India is a treasure trove of wildlife sanctuaries? We are quite fortunate to live in a country that’s so bountiful and brimming with life and thousands of species.  But when nature is all around us, how do we lose our connection with it? Maybe we take for granted that which we get easily. Regular visits to wildlife sanctuaries have the potential to rekindle our love and fascination for the best that nature has to offer

To reconnect with nature, sometimes we need to step into the wild and witness life in its rawest form. Watching animals roam free can reignite our sense of wonder and remind us of the delicate balance of life. 

Keep a Nature-Based Gratitude Diary

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” – Henry Ward Beecher

Start simple. Be thankful for the sun, the rain, the beaches, and the birds. Begin your Gratitude journal with general aspects of creation such as:

  1. I am grateful for the sun that shines each day
  2. I am grateful for the bountiful rain
  3. I am grateful for the beautiful beaches
  4. I am grateful for the mountains and valleys.
  5. I am grateful for the beautiful birds

 As you jot down these natural blessings, you’ll find the list growing, along with a sense of luck and joy in your daily life. It’s amazing how counting your blessings can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

So, whether it’s feeling the grass underfoot or marveling at a butterfly’s flight, let’s harness the power of nature to lead lives filled with happiness and laughter. After all, isn’t that what it’s all about?

Here’s a fun anecdote to wrap things up: I once met a man who’d swapped his high-flying corporate job for the life of a beekeeper. He said, “I used to chase bonuses; now I chase bees. And let me tell you, the buzz is way better!” It just goes to show, sometimes the sweetest rewards come from the simplest changes.

About the author

Barkha is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Corporate Trainer who has assisted more than 250 individuals over the past 14 years in areas of self-worth, relationships, career, health and life, in general. With an avid interest in the Human Mind and beyond, she harbours a desire to divulge into the mysteries of Human Psyche and Consciousness in an attempt to offer solutions at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

For more information you can visit her profile at: Linkedin Instagram

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